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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Vintage Window Makeover

I love old vintage windows. A few years ago, I got on a kick with them, and I will post something that I did with them at another time.

My friend Teresa, who I love, love, love is so super thrifty and crafty and found the mother load of vintage windows and shared them with me. Did I mention that I love her???

Here she is.

Isn't she fabulous????

These windows have been sitting in my garage and I had some ideas for them that my research now shows won't work. Boo hoo. With the wind taken out

But then, I found this post on Roeshel's site: The DIY Show Off: Vintage Window Mirror and the DIY Project Parade.

This was clearly meant to be.

And so began the hunt for the Krylon Looking Glass Mirror-Like Paint. I searched the small hardware stores first, then the large ones and finally decided to give Micheal's a try. THANK GOODNESS my mom was with me - she found in on a bottom shelf that I overlooked.

Very long story short, I bought the paint.

Here is the front side (aka - the side that is facing out) after I wiped it down and windexed it a couple of times.

Here is the back side of the window.

The directions on the paint say that you must apply 5 very thin coats of the mirror-like paint and let each layer dry for approximately 1 minute between layers.
As if that were not enough waiting, I then had to wait one hour for the mirror to dry entirely. Ugh!!! Always so much waiting!!

After it was dry, I put it the guest bedroom that I had moved some furniture into and out of this weekend. I had a large, green secretary in the room that I love, but moved this much small desk into it's place so I could fit the window. (And yes, I will move furniture all over my house to accommodate something that I love.)

Here is another angle.

Indulge me with one last photo....

As you can see, the mirror is reflective, but not nearly as reflective as a "real" mirror. It just adds a nice touch!


  1. A zillion vintage windows loaded into my car; priceless!

  2. Love this!! You're doing great Amy! Now, I want one.
