I know that I have told many of you that read this blog that I am on a mission to consume a lot less processed foods and more more fresh fruits and vegetables and make most of my food from scratch.
Clearly, fresh fruits and vegetables are the primary component of this goal.
So, back during the summer, I went to my local Wal-Mart and bought my fruits and vegetables for the week, along with a little bit of meat. $144 later, I find myself at home with a week's worth of food. Yes, a week's worth. Enter complete disgust for this endeavor.
So, one Saturday morning while heading down Capital Blvd. towards downtown, I remembered the vegetable tents at the indoor flea market (beside the Chevy Dealership).
I stop in and can't remember for the life of me why I ever stopped buying my fruits and vegetables there. IT IS DIRT CHEAP.
This is all a very long way of telling you that, if you live in Raleigh, and eat fruits and vegetables, you should be buying them on Capital Blvd.
To give you all an idea of how cheap the food is, here is what I bought this past Saturday morning for $18:
-5 bannanas - $1
-one GIANT butternut squash - $2(I was most excited about this find)
-10 lbs of Idaho Potatoes - $3
-9 sweet potatoes - $2
-3 lb bag of onions - $1
-3 red bell peppers - $1
-3 stop light peppers - $1
-2 heads of lettuce - $1
-3 cucumbers - $1
-a basket of tomatoes -$2
-3 ears of corn - $1(still sweet so I took it off the cob and froze it for this winter)
-two heads of broccoli - $1
As you can see, this is a TON of food. I freeze some of it and make baby food out of other parts of it, but I use it all during the course of the week.
I hope to see some of you out there in the near future!
Amy this a great find. I spend so much scrilla on veggies as the hubs and I make 95% of our meals from scratch. I was raised as a vegetarian and even though I eat meat now (though not red) I depend on veggies to make the meal.